As a kid, I remembered seeing Jack Lalanne and thinking, "look at this old bastard with his juice and muscles!". I really thought it was some kind of circus act to see a 70 year-old man lifting weights and slamming green fluids down his piehole. Mr. Lalanne was onto something and he spent a lifetime trying to tell us how to stay slim and healthy and we couldn't hear him over the chomping of potato chips and the cans of soda we were popping.
About two years ago, I started to notice that I was loosing my hairs' natural luster and shine. My nails were brittle and my skin looked dull. I bought every hair product for curly hair that guaranteed to restore luster. I bought every nail strengthening lacquer and every skin serum and cream with hopes of seeing some kind of result. It's all a damn lie. All of it. body (yikes). I've always prided myself on the fact that I'm happy with the way I look. Big and all. Damn sexy if you ask me. Well, I actual started LOOKING in the mirror. What I saw was terrifying. It's like someone threw pizza dough over a skeleton-shaped thing and added hair and features. I'm not shitting you.
Upon closer examination, I started noticing other unpleasant things. My ass looked like it got smacked with a bag of nickels. My thighs looked like a group of small children poked holes in the pizza dough body. I had also developed the infamous "batwings" (I believe I can fly).
I watched a documentary about a month ago with my hubby called Fat, Sick, And Nearly Dead. I was stunned. It occurred to me that I've approached EVERYTHING from dieting to hair and skin care to dietary tract care ALL WRONG.
In the documentary a man named Joe Cross made the same observations of himself and did research and found out that people who "juice" are healthy, fit, happy, and LOSING WEIGHT! And not a little bit of weight, like five and six bowling balls worth of pounds!
Rebooting is sweeping the nation. For 60 days, you drink only fresh juice and eat beans and nuts to provide your recommended protein. Some people who aren't sure whether or not they can commit to 60 days have an option to do 10, 20, or 30. Whatever you can possibly handle.
He warns however, that because people are so highly addicted to not just food, but the ritual of eating, the first few days to a week can be brutal. Think of a drug or cigarette addict. Your brains' receptors that are hard-wired to accept processed foods, go apeshit and make you want to run to the nearest Taco Casa and get one of everything on the menu! This is not wise. Eventually your body will begin to reject processed food and will make you violently ill. Good.
After the withdrawals, your body begins to reprogram itself to actually LIKE fresh juice. It begins to crave it. Then something even more amazing happens. Your skin begins to glow. The color of your eyes gets brighter. You hair is shiny and healthy. More importantly, you begin to produce collagen which restores the elasticity of your skin! The years begin to melt away! Basically all that time and money you spent trying to mask your body from the outside is beat out by fixing it from the inside by changing how you eat.
If we examined a plate of super greens and fruits that we would have to ingest to make a serving of super juice, you can't possibly consume it all. Juicing allows you to juice the whole fruit (seeds, skin and all) and extract the juice and nutrients without compromise. In short, your bombarding your system with super nutrients and all you have to do is let it do its' thing.
Now the ugly part of juicing. Super-concentrated juice is like natures Ex-Lax. You are going to shit like a baboon. Seriously. If you already have bowel issues, get some depends. Most people don't complain of accidents, they complain that they don't know "where it all comes from". All I'm saying is get ready to get REGULAR!
Now my husband and I have vowed to take this challenge. A full 60 days. I'm not saying we'll make it but we're going to try. Which is better than not trying at all. We're buying an elliptical and going to give it a go.
Now I'm not saying this is a quick fix or some kind of age-reversing magic. No people, this is HARD work! The main reason we're doing it is because we have no motivation to exercise and this is a problem. I swear I could be happy on the couch letting my dog fetch me the bottle of Merlot and eating southwest eggrolls all day. But apparently once you start juicing you can't sit still and FEEL like working out. So I'll pass up the Merlot and eggrolls and jump on the elliptical!
We're not getting younger and the older you get the harder it is to drop the weight. I'm great at starting things but piss poor at finishing them. Not this time precious. Oh no, not this time. If I can make it and show others that a BBQ-eating, beer-drinking, burger-loving, no-exercising, smoking housewife can drop 60 pounds in 60 days and inspire someone else the way Joe inspired us, then I'd say drinking juice was well worth it!
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